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Sports Clubs

Autumn Term 2024 Clubs:

Clubs will start the week commencing 16th September with school staff led clubs finishing the week commencing 9th December.  We are waiting for Premier Sport to confirm their end dates.

Monday 3.30-4.15pm 3 / 4 Mixed Football with Mr Thomson (first half term) / Mr Jiggins (second half term)  

Monday 5/ 6  3.30-4.15pm   Year 5 / 6 Mixed Netball for FUN! With Miss Bennett (not for players attending  'NewBee' or 'WorkerBee' clubs)

Tuesday 8-8.35am 'NEWBEE' Netball Club BY INVITATION ONLY with Mrs Turian 

Tuesday 3.30-43.0pm  Year 1 and 2 PREMIER SPORT GYM club 

Wednesday 8-8.35am 'WORKER BEE' Netball Club -Last year's Year 5 squad only

Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm Year 3-6 PREMIER SPORT GYM club

Thursday 3.30-4.15pm Year 5 / 6 MIXED football with Mr ONeill

Friday 8-8.30am YEAR 1-6 ONLY Golden Mile Club with Mrs Maloney

Collection for after-school clubs and drop off for before-school clubs will be through the rear gate.