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Uniform and dress code

Our uniform supports our children to feel a part of our school community and helps us to avoid competitiveness that branded clothing may cause leading to children feeling unhappy or being bullied.

Our School Uniform:

  • Black or grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores 
  • White or red polo shirt (with or without school logo)
  • Red cardigan, or sweatshirt (with or without school logo)
  • Red and white summer dress (we request no play suits in EYFS, please)
  • Plain white, grey or black socks or tights
  • Sensible black shoes (sandals may be worn in the summer but these need to be practical for indoor and outdoor learning and play)
  • A sun hat for hot days and a waterproof coat for cold/wet days which are suitable/appropriate for school and weather conditions.

Our PE Kit - children come to school in their PE kit on PE days -please ensure it is appropriate for the weather conditions.

  • Black, grey or navy shorts
  • Plain T-Shirt in your child's house colour (with or without school logo) - red, blue, purple, yellow or green
  • Black, grey or navy jogging bottoms/leggings
  • Plain jumper or hooded top which is appropriate for PE sessions, i.e. does not restrict movement and provides warmth for outdoor PE
  • Trainers for outdoor PE with good grip
  • Plain sports socks

Whilst we ask for our children to have specific items of clothing in certain colours, as you can see there is flexibility within this and items do not have to have the school logo on and do not have to be from a specific shop or a specific brand.  We do use the company 'Total clothing' to provide our logo imprinted clothing/items (details of which can be found below) but you do not have to purchase them.

Our PTA ( ) have a permanent stock of 'pre-loved' uniform items and the poster below provides details of how to enquire about this second-hand clothing.


Total Clothing Information for clothing and other items such as book bags, with our school logo, can be found in the documents below. To purchase school uniform from them, please see Quicklinks at the top, right of website.



Live Chat via their website : (Monday – Friday 9-5 pm)

Phone : 01733 394758  Monday to Thursday 9-5.30pm Friday 9-5pm. ( phone lines are closed on a Saturday)


Jewellery and Make up - children should not wear jewellery or make up.  The following number of exceptions are permitted:

  • One small single stud earring in each ear is allowed but these must be removed for PE and outdoor sporting sessions
  • Wristwatches may be worn - but these should not be internet accessing
  • Medic alert bracelets and necklaces may be worn and need to be visible

Other Items:
A small bag which can be hung on a peg containing:

  • Packed lunch – if required.
  • Water bottle.
  • Book bag/reading book.

Please name all your child's clothing/items: Each term we have a lot of unnamed lost property so please ensure ALL items are named.